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( 型号 : BLL试验溜槽 )
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Technical Parameter of laboratory BLL Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Spiral Chute


BLL spiral chute is based on useful minerals and gangue minerals in the specific gravity, particle size, shape differences in spiral bevel dynamic centrifugal flow of pulp produced film, in the consolidated position of gravity and centrifugal force, the use of different particles suffered by gravity, hydrodynamic pressure and friction to achieve useful minerals in the gangue separation. Spiral tank of water movement except for a downward spiral, but also for the horizontal circulation. The upper water flow faster, resulting in a larger centrifugal force, inertia, Shuaixiang the outer groove. And the bottom adjacent to the lower flow turning slow, centrifugal force is small, the gravity flow from the outer edge of the inner edge, resulting in secondary reflux. Pulp in the heavy mineral grains settling faster convergence along the spiral gradually inward edge of the end, the form of concentrates produced. Light mineral deposition slowly, at a surface mine flow, velocity fast, centrifugal force, sub-ah horizontal circulation under the effect of gradually expanded along the line gradually moved towards the outer edge of the spiral, the end, the form of tailings output. This product is the only designated former Ministry of Geology and Mineral production, the implementation of industry standards.

型号Model 单位

Uite BLL-600 BLL-400

螺旋直径Screw diameter mm 600 400

螺距Spiral size mm 360 240

螺旋头数Spiral in the first few 个

2 2

每头圈数Each of the first few Film 5 5


size mm 0.3 0.3

给矿浓度Feed density % 20-40 20-40

处理量Caparating size t/h

0.8-1.2 0.1-0.2

外形Overall dimensions mm 700/700/2730 460/460/1500

重量Weighe kg 90 60

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icon 电话号码 86 - 0797 - 5791369
icon 传真号码 86 - 0797 - 5791369
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公司主要生产选矿摇床,跳汰机,螺旋溜槽,浮选机,螺旋分级机,球磨机,搅拌槽,给料机,给矿机,振动筛,破碎机,砂泵,磁选机,水力分级机,水力旋流器,打砂机, 实验室砂泵,实验室摇床,实验室螺旋溜槽,实验室浮选机,实验室球磨机,实验室破碎机,实验室磁选机,实验室调浆桶,研磨机,真空过滤机,制样粉碎机等。