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( 型号 : DL-5C/XTLZ过滤机 )
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Technical Parameter of laboratory Vertical Sand Pump


该设备是一种能间断或连续过滤的实验室型过滤设备,可作为产品脱水,固液分离时使用,结构简单,操作,维护方便,过滤效果高,适应性强,对难滤矿物和浓度较低的 矿浆的过滤,效果最为显著。

DL-5, XTLZ-type multi-disc vacuum filter used in geological, metallurgical, coal, building materials, mines, schools, scientific research and experiments to carry out mineral optional units in the experimental work, as a flotation, re-election, magnetic and other operations After dehydration, test sample, solid-liquid separation. Machine mainly by the vacuum pump, Manifold air filter device, vacuum tank, and two filter disk group or its drainage through controlled automatic drainage, to achieve the purpose of solid-liquid separation. This product is the only designated former Ministry of Geology and Mineral production, the implementation of industry standards.

The device is a kind of filter can be intermittent or continuous laboratory-type filtration equipment can be used as product dehydration, the use of solid-liquid separation, simple structure, operation, convenient maintenance, filtering effects of high adaptability, for difficult to filter and concentration of minerals lower pulp filtration, the effect is most remarkable.

型号Model 单位

Uite DL-5C 240/120 XTLZ 260/200

滤盘直径Disc diameter mm 大盘240小盘120 大盘260小盘200

真空压力Vaccum pressure KPA 91.2 80

矿浆固液比 1:(4-7) 1:(4-7)

给料粒度Feed size mm 0.5 0.5

过滤样品干重Dry material capa g 500 600

过滤时间Filter time min 1-10 1-10

排水时间Output water time s 30 30

滤饼水分Cake moisture % 20 20

电压 Voltage v 380 380

功率power kw 1.6 1.5

外形Overall dimensions mm 1030/420/970 6500/5400/1140

重量Weighe kg 160 200

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