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( 型号 : XMQ实验球磨机 )
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Technical Parameter of laboratory XMQ Cone ball Mill




XMQ Series Cone Ball Mill is a lab.grind equipmet for wet fine grinding of ore.It is applied in labs for processing and fine grinding of artifical placer materials and ores in metallurgical,building material,chemical,light,coal,water conservancy,electric power,agricultural and geological industries.The product is produced by the only enterprise designated by the former Ministry of Geology and Mineral Mineral Resources,in compliance with the Industrial standards

The experiment of grinding equipment, grinding time can be arbitrarily set, but also can be used in dry, wet grinding, using frequency conversion technology, speed range is wide, abrasive, mixing and even everything easy installation without foundation treatment, low noise, no dust pollution, to facilitate the work of cleaning, polishing sealing performance is good, ordinary ore optional experimental study and manual re-sanding of ore used in the rod mill more appropriate.

The grinding equipment, a large amount of feeding, discharging, cylinder power control, without manual, grinding time can be arbitrarily set

型号Model 单位Uite XMQ150/50 XMQ240/90 XMQ350/160

筒体尺寸 mm 150/50 240/90 350/160

容积Volume L 1 6.25 21.58

磨矿量Capacity g 200 1000 4000

给料粒度Feed size mm 3 3 3

排料粒度Rarticle size mm 0.074 0.074 0.074

筒体转速Drum speed r/min 110-114 94-98 60-64

功率rower kw 0.25 0.55 1.1

外形Overall dimensions mm 915/530/1160 1050/640/1164 700/575/1190

重量Weighe kg 91 170 300

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icon 公司名称 石城县绿洲选矿设备制造有限公司
icon 街道地址 江西 赣州 石城县工业区温坊工业园 342700
icon 电话号码 86 - 0797 - 5791369
icon 传真号码 86 - 0797 - 5791369
icon 公司网址 www.lzkysb.cn
icon 联系人 温稳 / 销售部

公司主要生产选矿摇床,跳汰机,螺旋溜槽,浮选机,螺旋分级机,球磨机,搅拌槽,给料机,给矿机,振动筛,破碎机,砂泵,磁选机,水力分级机,水力旋流器,打砂机, 实验室砂泵,实验室摇床,实验室螺旋溜槽,实验室浮选机,实验室球磨机,实验室破碎机,实验室磁选机,实验室调浆桶,研磨机,真空过滤机,制样粉碎机等。