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( 型号 : GJ制样粉碎机 )
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Laboratory sealed Sampling Crushers



It serves to crush materials and prepare samples without pollution in laboratories of institutes in the rade of geology, mine, metallurgy, coal, chemical industry and building materials and so on. The machine contains an automatic dust remover.

CGJ、CGF Model Sealed Serial Laboratory Sampling Crusher adopting compact earthen bowl loosening proof device is light weight and reliable. With full enclosure and no dust spillover, it requires no air-exhausting and dusting system. It features high frequency vibration grinding, high efficiency of comminution with uniform particle size. no blending of samples and no need of screening and contraction. Users can select the different varietes of products based on the sample volume.

型号Model 一次制样数数量cups number 装料重量capaticy(克/钵g/ 给料粒度Feed size(mm 排料粒度Output size(mm 粉碎时间Crusher time(minute 功率Power(kw 重量Weight(kg

CGJ-100/1 1 100 13 0.074 2-3 1.1 160

CGJ-100/2 2 200 13 0.074 2-3 1.1 170

CGJ-100/3 3 300 13 0.074 2-3 1.5 180

CGJ-100/4 4 400 13 0.074 2-3 1.5 200

CGJ-100/5 5 500 13 0.074 2-3 1.5 200

CGJ-100/7 7 700 13 0.074 2-3 1.5 200

CGJ-200/1 1 200 20 0.074 3-5 1.5 160

CGJ-200/2 2 400 20 0.074 3-5 1.5 170

CGJ-200/3 3 600 20 0.074 3-5 1.5 180

CGJ-200/4 4 800 20 0.074 3-5 1.5 200

CGJ-400/1 1 400 26 0.074 3-5 1.5 200

CGJ-400/2 2 800 26 0.074 3-5 1.5 210

CGJ-400/3 3 1200 26 0.074 3-5 1.5 220

CGJ-400/4 4 1600 26 0.074 3-5 1.5 230

CGJ-500/1 1 500 30 0.074 3-5 1.5 260

CGJ-1000/1 17 1000 30 0.074 3-5 1.5 300

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icon 公司名称 石城县绿洲选矿设备制造有限公司
icon 街道地址 江西 赣州 石城县工业区温坊工业园 342700
icon 电话号码 86 - 0797 - 5791369
icon 传真号码 86 - 0797 - 5791369
icon 公司网址 www.lzkysb.cn
icon 联系人 温稳 / 销售部

公司主要生产选矿摇床,跳汰机,螺旋溜槽,浮选机,螺旋分级机,球磨机,搅拌槽,给料机,给矿机,振动筛,破碎机,砂泵,磁选机,水力分级机,水力旋流器,打砂机, 实验室砂泵,实验室摇床,实验室螺旋溜槽,实验室浮选机,实验室球磨机,实验室破碎机,实验室磁选机,实验室调浆桶,研磨机,真空过滤机,制样粉碎机等。